Intel 8008 为世界上第一款八位中央处理器芯片(CPU)。8008 共推出两种速度:0.5 MHz 以及 0.8 MHz,虽然比 4004 的工作频率慢,不过因为是八位处理器(比起4004的四位),整体效能要比 4004 好上许多。8008 可以支持到 16KB 的内存。

关于 Intel 8008

英特尔的 8008 处理器被认为是第一款 8 位处理器,于 1972 年 4 月 1 日发布,大约在英特尔 4004 处理器推出 5 个月后。有一种观点认为 8008 仅仅是 4004 和 4040 的演变,事实却恰恰相反,它实际上是从头开始重新设计的,并实施了新的指令集。如果你仔细看,你会发现它甚至可以称为 x86 指令集的祖先。

Intel 8008 原本是英特尔为 Computer Terminal Corporation(CTC)的 Datapoint 2200 所制造的微处理器(原本叫 Intel 1201),不过因为交货延迟而效能又比原本宣称的差,所以惨遭退货,不过 CTC 允许 Intel 将 8008 出售给其他客户。

Intel C8008 是比较珍贵的紫色陶瓷镀金接角版本(C8008-1 为0.8MHz版),D8008 则是后期出的量产版。


  • 3,500 个晶体管
  • 10.0 µm PMOS 制造技术
  • 8 位内部数据总线
  • 8 位外部数据总线
  • 14 位地址总线
  • 处理高达 160,000 个命令/秒


The Intel 8008 was an early CPU designed and manufactured by Intel, introduced in April, 1972.

The chip (limited by its 18 pin DIP packaging) had a single 8-bit bus and required a very large amount of external logic to support it. For example the 14-bit address, which could accesss 16K bytes of memory, needed to be latched by some of this logic in an external Memory Address Register (MAR). It could access 8 input ports and 24 output ports.

While a little slower (in terms of MIPs) than the 4-bit Intel 4004 and Intel 4040, the fact that it processed data 8-bits at a time and could access significantly more RAM actually gave it 3 to 4 times the true processing power of the 4-bit chips. For controller and CRT terminal use this was an acceptable design, but it was too difficult to use for most other tasks. Some early computer designs (e.g. the Mark-8, the MCM 782 APL, the NBI Hantu, and the R2E Micral) were based on it, but most would use the later and greatly improved Intel 8080 instead.


Intel D8008-1

参数 数值
CPU 类型 18-pin CerDIP
主频 0.5 MHz
内部总线宽度 8 Bit
外部总线宽度 8 Bit
地址总线宽度 14 Bit
晶体管 3500
技术 PMOS 10.0 µm
电压 5 Volt ± 5% (-9V)
生产日期 36/1980

Intel D8008-1 Intel D8008-1 正面 Intel D8008-1 反面

Tags: Intel